Attention All Designers and Jewellers
The communication below has been received from PlatAfrica.
Anglo American Platinum, in association with Platinum Guild International (PGI) India and Metal Concentrators, is once again proud to present the PlatAfrica 2018 jewellery design and manufacture competition. The competition is open to students, apprentices and professional jewellers in South Africa. The competition allows both students and professionals the opportunity to work with precious platinum metal and provides detailed feedback, enabling the development of jewellery design and manufacturing skills.
The theme for the 2018 competition is Blessings of Love.
The importance of gender equality has been a hot topic of discussion in the global news and this exciting theme looks to celebrate the signiï¬cant milestones in the lives of young women. Throughout life, each milestone successfully navigated by a daughter is celebrated and the blessing acknowledged. Each blessing focuses on a brighter future, the realisation of the child’s dreams and aspirations and her parents’ desire for a life ï¬lled with happiness and love. Marking each milestone is not only important for the parents, but also for the child. Each afï¬rmation builds a positive self-esteem that will remain with her throughout her life. Each afï¬rmation reminds the young woman just how much her parents love her, value her and admire her achievements. With Blessings of Love, these important milestones or “rites of passage†are made even more memorable with an everlasting gift of jewellery as a reminder of parental love.
Please note:
Should you wish to participate, please fill in Annexure 1 – Confirmation of Intention to Participate & Metal Request, and email it to
You will need to include a copy of your metal licence, details on who will be entering and how much metal you are requesting, as well as confirmation on delivery address and the contact person who will take responsibility for the metal.
When submitting your final piece(s), you will need to complete Annexure 2 (Entry Form) and Annexure 3 (Essay) for each entry.
This year, entrants will again be considered for participation in PGI India’s design sourcing process for specific collections and pieces for the growing Indian market (
The winners from last year’s competition, Ulandie Jonas, Nihal Shah, Anke van der Linden and Fraser Schenk are off to India in just a few weeks and we wish them well. This experience will no doubt broaden their understanding of the international jewellery market.
PlatAfrica Entry 2018 Blessings of Love